
Shoes for Health

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Many manufacturers of all kinds,HOGAN REBEL SNEAKER BEIGE DONNA, including shoes,Nike Air Max 2011 Mesh Deep Blue løbesko, have different ways of advertising. Some have eye catching web sites or fabulous and imaginative shoe designs.

A company called Toms Shoes have gone one better by devising a policy to donate a pair of shoes to children in poor countries for every pair bought by the buying public. This company was founded in America in 2006 after its owner saw poor children running around without footwear. Sometimes these children did not go to school as schools do not admit pupils if they do not have any shoes to wear.

A few years ago they began a big campaign in the poor countries of Africa. Youngsters were so pleased and enthusiastic with the footwear they received and that they could never afford themselves that they gave a party for the donors upon receiving their gift.

The shoes that this company sells are also often manufactured in poorer countries to give the population a chance of earning a living wage. They have factories in South America and Ethiopia.

This company hands this footwear out via various giving partners. In Haiti at the beginning of the year,The Title of My Website, a medical charity which is a giving partner of this shoe manufacturer stressed the importance of people living in poor countries to wear shoes. In places where sanitation is poor,Christian Louboutin Pas Prive Riche chaussures 120mmvente au rabais, going barefoot is very dangerous.

Apart from protecting the feet from injury,Christian Louboutin Très Prive de sortie 120mmvente au rabais, the footwear also helps to prevent the population from the spread of intestinal worms. Infestation leads to malnutrition as the invasion of the worms will take all the goodness of the food we eat. The other important point is that well-fitting shoes prevent lesions to the foot which can become infected in a hot and humid climate with poor hygiene.

The footwear manufacturer sells only leisure wear shoes. They have a great range of espadrille shoes and boots. Some of the footwear is vegan. This means that no animal products have been used in the manufacturing process. Although the styles are simple,MBT Changa Schuhe, there are many variations on the same theme. There are multi-coloured designs available and for more dressy moments they have also produced sequined shoes.

Just recently this company has also started to sell glasses. The same principle is applied with the sale of these. For every pair sold a pair of glasses is given away and sight restored in the poorer countries of the world. So far this year,Wholesale Online Dame Nike Free Run 2 FireRed GreenYellow Hvide Sko, forty thousand people have been helped this way.

If you cannot find a pair of shoes manufactured by this company in the high street then logging on to the internet might be your answer. More and more merchandise is sold this way every year. The net has really caught on in the world of shoppers as it is so easy to do and requires no effort at all.

If you buy shoes to the value of over 30 then shipping is free. The returns policy is also very simple. If the shoes are returned in pristine condition then a full refund is forthcoming.相关的主题文章:

