
Add Video To Website - 7 Tips And Strategies

Add Video To Website - 7 Tips And Strategies

Finally decided to make that move and add video your to website,Hogan Progetto Donna Cioccolato Bianco, eh? Exciting! The strategies below should help you make the most out of your new venture.

1) Embed videos uploaded to other sites
This is the easiest way to add video to your website. Simply upload to a video hosting website of your choice (eg. YouTube or Vimeo). Then you simply copy and paste the embed code.

This option is really good because

* it's free
* saves you disk space
* saves you bandwidth

The only disadvantage is the videos will have logo of the hosting site on top of the video.

2) Sign up for a streaming service
With this option you upload the videos to a dedicated server which stores and streams your videos. This can be very useful if you want to maintain a high profile image since no other company logo will be displayed on your videos.

You might want to use this if you have a member only website and want to make sure nobody else watches videos (besides your members,Hogan Interactive Donna 2012 Azzurro, that is).

3) Create flash movies and embed them
This solution requires a bit of technical knowledge. If you are comfortable using flash you can;
* Create a flash movie and embed it
* Convert your existing movies into .swf format and download a free flash player. You then place it on your webpage.
You can find good flash media players by doing a simple Google search.

The problem with this method is it can be time consuming. It is also harder for the user to move the video pointer to a particular location in the clip.

4) Consider a live webcast.
Your visitors will definitely love this,Bianco Nero Donna Hogan Progetto! Thanks to the internet,HOGAN NERO ORO VALENCIA DONNA, you can actually broadcast live for the whole world to watch!

There is an amazing service called Mogulus that allows you to host a live show using your webcam. And best of all it's free.

The downside is short commercials every 8 minutes or so. However, you can sign up for a Pro paid service that takes out the commercials.

5) Don't put too many videos on one page
Your safest bet is one video per page. Create a 'contents' page with thumbnails to other videos.

Nothing is scarier to a visitor than a cluttered webpage. You know how easy it is to click away,right?

6) Do not let the videos auto-play
This is especially important if you ignore point 5 above. Yes , it is a cool feature but it will probably do you more harm than good.

Personally , I find it very irritating when I open a webpage and hear sound coming from a video or elsewhere.

Use your judgement. If you feel auto-play works for your visitors go for it!

7) Make transcripts of your videos
If your videos are rich in information make a transcript of it and place it right below the videos.

Your visitors will appreciate it since they may miss some of the things said in the video.

Search Engines will now be able to find your pages more easily, since they now have something they can understand!

You can also offer transcripts from your videos in PDF format in exchange for signing to your op-in list. Or you could sell them.

This is a pretty much,Hogan Uomo Interactive Nero Bianco, underused strategy. 相关的主题文章:

