
Buegle - Facebook Social Commerce Solutions

Buegle - Facebook Social Commerce Solutions

What is Buegle?

First of all I need to briefly explain what Buegle is: The facility to display information about your products and services within a store/brochure on Facebook, this will display information about your services or sell your products online using the massive audience of Facebook to increase brand awareness and sales. It is an ecommerce site integrated into Facebook, which allows Facebook users to share your products to others online by being posted to your customers?Facebook wall, which can then be viewed by all of their friends and they can comment on your products. This is fully integrated into the social media sites Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Now the facts:

People are shopping online more then ever before, why? Many reasons are contributing to online shopping taking a sharp increase; petrol being so expensive is stopping people traveling into city centers. The recession also means people are shopping for bargains, which are more often found online then on the high street. There is also the fact people are working more hours,christian louboutin soldes, there is not always time to walk into town and shop, the online stores provide an easy, relaxing way of browsing through shopping.

Chris Webster, head of retail consulting and technology at Capgemini says:

arch was a solid month for online retail; 14% annual growth is a healthy result and quite a contrast to the reports from the high-street. The 18% growth in the Index during Q1 is indicative of a new trend. Consumers are indeed tightening belts, but they are still shopping,mbt zum Verkauf, and have simply become more strategic in their buying habits.?/i>

The Golden Quarter is coming up; this is the period of the year from September to December that has been named by retailers as the olden Quarter?due to it being the times of the year retailers hope to make the most money. This extends the Holiday season allowing retailers to encourage shoppers to spend money for a longer period of time in order to be prepared for the Holidays. The money that is gained through these months will also help retailers through January and February,billige MBT Schuhe, were they won see as many sales. This is an important time of the year and retailers need to be prepared, Buegle stores can help with that by making it a less stressful experience. It all done online,Christian Louboutin, and easily edited by the owner, giving potential buyers an easy, stress free way of browsing what you have on offer throughout the day, 24/7.

6,830 miles a year ?that the distance the typical British shopper would have to travel to pick up and pay for all of their purchases in person. However, already over one in five of our hopping trips?are clocked up from the comfort of our homes or offices according to a report by; PayYourWay

Will BUEGLE be mobile compatible?

?Mobile is the fastest growing channel for retail searches with smartphone traffic virtually trebling in a year. One in ten retail searches is now via a smartphone
?Online retail search traffic is up 29 per cent and retailers who use stores and the Internet are seeing faster growth than pure online players.
?Online is growing so fast, It now responsible for nine per cent of all retail spending. As recently as 2007 that figure was below four per cent.
?UK is already Europe leader for online sale.

Why it cheaper for you?

The Buegle store is also a cheaper option for you; you don have to pay the cost of renting or buying a shop,christian louboutin soldes, or the cost of storing products. There will be no need to pay people to stand in your shop all day; the Buegle store can be managed from the comfort of your own home.
E-commerce site cost examples, compared to a Buegle shop, which is quicker & cheaper.
For an E-commerce site the costs are a lot more then a Buegle store: Firstly, a domain needs to be registered (? to ?0). Next is hosting of the site, and for your average ecommerce store of several hundred products, this will be around ?00 a year. Some design companies choose to charge a monthly fee (typically ?00+ a month),Christian Louboutin Pas Cher, which includes the hosting and site design cost. The last cost will all depend on your designer.
It a much more time effective method of setting up an online shop and Buegle supplies you with a simple, easy to follow guide.

Something you should know about Facebook:

?There are 1.9billion internet users worldwide
?More than 750 million active users on Facebook
?50% of the active users log on to Facebook in any given day
?Average user has 130 friends
?People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook

This makes Facebook a great form of advertising, with the ability to share information about your products and services,chaussures christian louboutin, it allows the Buegle store products to be seen by even more people than just your fans. People will spend more time on Facebook then a website, it more fun, there is more to do and this is another incentive for people to start selling their products through this amazing website.

The Buegle store is compatible with all the major social media sites, allowing for cross advertising between the different media outlets; Facebook,hogan vendita, Twitter and Google+. Not sure how Google+ is important? Wee read a fantastic blog explaining just how it going to be vital for businesses.

Buegle is the social media division of Freestart plc. A Buegle store is an easy to manage social commerce website that integrates a feature rich e-commerce platform seamlessley with Facebook and Twitter.Related articles:

